Laurel Avenue Gospel Hall

An assembly (church) in Chesapeake Virginia gathered to the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

C - Children
O - Old People
M - Middle Aged People
E - Everyone
Come to Jesus!

We meet to preach the Christian Gospel according to Jesus Christ the Son of God who is the Son Of Man. It was He who died for all mankind and has risen from the dead; God being statisfied and glorified in the man Christ Jesus.

  • Sharing the inspired/infallible Word of God (the Bible).
  • Pray collectively and worship in truth and thanksgiving and praise unto God: the Father and Son (in whom we have salvation).
  • We acknowledge our leader is the Son of God: our Head, Jesus Christ the Lord himself.
  • An early NT style assembly (church) meeting, following the teachings of Jesus; and the Apostles and learn from the Epistles.
  • All things were written before our time, for our learning and understanding; Old Testament scriptures applied to New Testament truth.


Lord willing and by His grace until the Pre-Tribulation Rapture takes place.

Contact Us: Email

Lord's Day (Sunday)

  • 11:00AM - 12:00PM Sunday School
  • 6:00PM - 7:00PM Gospel / Ministry


  • 7:30 PM - 8:45 PM Prayer and Bible Study

Special Events

  • Quarterly Bible Study
  • Annual Bible Conference
  • Vacation Bible School
  • New Year's Treat

Missionary-Work in Several of many countries

  • Mission Action Group - Every two years

    Mission Action Group (MAG) began in the 1970s after a plea for help of this kind came from some missionaries, serving the Lord in Columbia. It was an effort to encourage young people who yearned to serve the Lord with other like-minded Christians, to go on short term missions trips stateside as well as abroad. Over the years the Lord has blessed and used this kind of service for Him.

  • Africa
  • Madagascar
  • North, Central, South America
  • Cuba
  • Liberia
  • Virgin Islands